Wednesday, 20 January 2010

"We're Temporary Anyway..."

I'm putting this down on record now, so that when I say I knew it was coming and am okay, I can prove it's not just a brave face.

This is only for a while, and it's a sex thing.
The end is already planned, for early summer. Yes, I'll probably still get upset.
It will doubtless get on my nerves that the girl he runs back to looks... like me, in ten years. Fifteen, if I feel like being unkind.
It's use, of a sort, but it's consensual, two-way use and I am going to use the fuck out of this as and when I can.

So, no one try to console me about the above, please. I know I'm asking for trouble: it's what I'm best at. It's fleeting, it's fun, and bloody hell will it give me something to blog about.

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