Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Not Cut Out for This

I love my body.

Okay, no, I don't because it doesn't work and I'd like not to be in pain for five minutes, but I love my body in the way most people don't like their own.

I'm a decent height and reasonable weight without much effort. I've got disproportionate, child-sized hands and feet, an almost unnaturally narrow waist for my size. My boobs are small but perfectly formed (and probably not as small as I joke them to be. In a decent push up bra, they're adequately distracting). I have a little soft curve of pudge under my navel, curved hips, stocky but muscular thighs and the best arse you'll see all week. None of it's perfect, but it's a nice woman-shape and onlookers can like it or fuck off.

The hinderances, then, if you want to call them that: I'm very much the shape for corsets. So much so that I have to buy them very very small or they just don't do anything, I already have that extreme shoulders:waist:hips ratio.

Any restraints which would use the hands or feet are not going to work on me. They don't account for such tiny hands and feet and I will slip right out of them.

Any shoes with a fetish bent, or even a decent heel, need to be custom made. Now, I'm not arguing they should make platform stilettos for kids, but it gets expensive!

I have to wear gloves at fetish clubs, or I get the hand-pervs. As it is, I get an immense amount of aristocratic kisses on the hand. I daren't ever dance in bare feet when I get tired, I made that mistake once. Bare, high arched, size two feet are a little too much of a temptation for people that way inclined, it seems.

That said, I'm never short a human foot stool, a shoe shine, or a massage, so really - why complain?

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